Wednesday 18 December 2013

New Shirt Sponsor Announcement

Shirt sponsor.

We are very pleased to announce that our senior cricket teams shirt sponsor's logo, Agincourt Contractors Ltd, is now available on match shirts that are brought through Serious Cricket ( There are now two options for match shirts on the website:

  • All players that represent senior teams should purchase the "Petersfield Cricket Club Senior Match Shirt" option (  Colts who represent or are likely to play for senior teams should purchase this shirt.
  • Colts playing for junior sides only should purchase the "Petersfield Cricket Club Colts Match Shirt" option.

(Both shirts are in the full range of size options and adult sizes can be brought with either short or long sleeves).

Clean match shirts that have been purchased from Serious Cricket since June this year may be returned for the sponsors' logo to be added.  To save P&P, arrangements will be made for all shirts to be collected at winter training and returned in bulk to Serious Cricket. Details will be sent out in due course. 

Personalised kit.

From January (exact date will be confirmed) all kit will also be available with personalised embroidered or printed player initials; you will be able to choose the letters from a drop-down menu on the product. There will be no additional charge but Serious Cricket will not be able to accept any returns for size changes on items with initials on.  Once this service is available we will let you know.

You have now got the answer for all your last minute Christmas presents, but if you want it personalised I'm afraid it will be a few weeks late!

Kind regards,

James Stratford-Tuke

Friday 13 December 2013

Petersfield Cricket Clubs Heath Wins Hampshire Cricket Grounds Award

From left to right Andy Salmon (Grounds Manager) Neil Hitch (Town Clerk), Toby Austin (Groundsman), Tim Tremlett, John Sutherland (The Heath Groundsman), Nick Blakstad (Club Chairman), Chris Mills (Town Councillor)
Members of Petersfield Town Council and Petersfield Cricket Club took a trip to The Aegas Bowl to collect the award for the most improved cricket ground in the Hampshire League presented by Tim Tremlett, the Director of Hampshire Cricket.
Throughout the year, visiting captains score the ground on categories such as the strip, the outfield and facilities. From these scores, grounds are shortlisted and visited by the judges. The Heath had been shortlisted before but this year managed to take the award ahead of 192 other teams in the League.
As the cricket club became more successful in increasing the participation of young people and introducing ladies cricket back to the club, the 12 strip square on the Heath was expected to be at full capacity. This required much more volunteering time than the club members could provide and the club went to Petersfield Town Council for support. Since 2010, the Town Council have provided support which has enabled the club to not only put on around 60 games a year but also to improve the standard of the ground.
Much of the hard work is done by John Sutherland (seen above holding the award) who is the main groundsman, but he is also supported by volunteers during April and May which are the busy times of season. The club has also raised large sums through grants and fund raising and this has gone towards building new net facilities, new equipment and a new scoreboard and improvements to the pavilion.
The main project in 2013 was to restore the footpath to the north of the ground and divert the increasing number of pedestrians away from the playing area. This was a collaborative effort between the cricket club, the Town Council and Friends of the Heath. Together with 4 years of winter scarifying, this has helped improve the outfield and restore the grass coverage.
In 2013, Ladies Cricket returned to the Heath after over 100 years as the club entered a team into the Hampshire League. Photos in the pavilion show ladies cricket being played on the Heath in the 19th century when there were no trees at all.
Grounds Manager, Andy Salmon said “John and the volunteers can be particularly proud of what they have achieved, however, without the support of the Town Council this would not have been possible. The Heath is a wonderful place to play cricket and you won’t find many more beautiful grounds. It is also used by the community for picnics, family rounders and cricket matches on the outfield. This is great to see but sadly there are a few people in the area who find it necessary to cause deliberate damage to the playing strips and play inappropriate games on the outfield such as golf. This has increased the work required and makes winning the award even more special. If we thought that the vandalism would stop, then we could achieve much more.”
If you are interested in playing at the Heath, new players are very welcome. Please contact Marcus Sampson (Club Captain) 07966 267212 if you are interested in men’s or social cricket and Chris Russell (Ladies Head Coach) 07785 977977 if you are interested in girls’ or ladies cricket and Paddy May (Colts’ Manager) 07717 774946 if you are between 5 and 17.

Indoor nets for the club start for all age groups in January 2014.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Latest News 10th December 2013

Dear All,
We’re delighted to let you know that we have now finalised our plans for this winter colts cricket sessions, and with this week’s AGM agreeing to keep our membership fees the same as last year, we can now send out the arrangements and membership forms and start dreaming about Petersfield matches (so much more fulfilling than staying up and listening to the Ashes!)
Before I provide the details of next terms arrangements a few reminders:
Key Dates for next year: Charity Day - June 29th, colts fun day - Sept 6th and presentation evening - Sept 5th.
If you are looking to buy Petersfield CC clothing for Christmas presents, or just to make sure your child has the club kit for training, the link for the serious cricket website is given below:
Also the club continues to look for new ways of raising money and you could help every time you shop online (at no cost to you) by clicking first on our cause page on easy fundraising . This costs you nothing but gives a donation to the club every time you buy something that you would be buying anyway. Full details are available on the cause page, this link is also available from our main site on play cricket ( .

The following summarises the indoor training arrangements that we have organised. We are pleased to confirm that we have again secured the Sports Hall at Bedales and we have also secured a full programme at TPS this year. We will be running indoor coaching sessions in the Spring Term with a full programme planned for all age groups.
Bedales Sports Hall – All starting on Friday 10th January and running through to 4th April (excluding 21 February)
  • Boys U7s - 6.30pm to 7.30pm (lead coach Dave Squires)
  • Boys U11s - 7.30pm to 8.30pm (lead coaches James Stratford-Tuke & Simon Griffin)
  • Boys U13/U15 8.30pm to 9:30pm (lead coach Don Crawford)
TPS Sports Hall
  • Girls U11s – 6pm-7pm from 7th February through to 11th April with no breaks (lead coach Tash Wadley)
  • Older girls and ladies – 7pm-8:30pm – from 28th February through to 28th March with no breaks (lead coach Chris Russell)
Bedales Sports Hall – All starting on Friday 12th January and running through to 30th March (excluding 16th and 23rd February)
  • U9s – 3pm to 4pm (lead coach Phil Newman)
  • U17s - 4.00pm to 5.00pm (lead coaches James Stratford-Tuke & Phil Newman)  - this will also include colts who are playing, or may be about to play, adult cricket.
  • Seniors 5.00pm to 7.00pm 
We’re very pleased to be able to announce that we have retained our ClubMark Status and are continuing to invest in increasing the number of qualified coaches. Our lead coaches will be supported by qualified assistants, people who are qualifying as coaches and some of our senior colts. If any parent wishes to undertake a coaching course, to help with the sessions, please do contact me. Hampshire Cricket Board will be running further cricket courses next Autumn. Equally if any of the older colts wish to help, please let me know and we'll see if we can include them in our plans.
Finally, we are pleased to be able to confirm that notwithstanding the fact that the costs of running the cricket club continue to increase, we have been able to keep the membership fees for 2014 the same as 2013 (which was the same as 2012). We have also been able to retain the discount for early payment that we introduced a couple of years ago.
Please remember that we require all membership forms and payments to be made before the coaching can be provided. A copy of the 2014 application form is attached, and like last year, can be returned to either our Treasurer, Nicky May, at 50 Moggs Mead, PETERSFIELD, Hampshire GU31 4NX , or passed to myself. If you would like to make payment directly from your bank account, please contact Nicky on nicky.may@ntlworld.comand she will send you the details.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, and please feel free to pass this on to friends who might be interested in joining or taking up cricket for the first time. In the meantime, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and look forward to seeing you next year
Best wishes
Paddy May
Colts Co-ordinator