Wednesday 18 January 2017

Quiz Night Details Saturday 25th March, 7:30pm

Please add this date to your diaries - The first event of the new cricket season, the ever-popular annual Petersfield Cricket Club fundraising Quiz.
It would be great to see lots of you there so please come along to show off your general/random knowledge & have a lot of laughs.
All are welcome - members (Adults & Colts), family, friends. The more the merrier!
Teams can be put together on the night so don’t worry if there’s just one or two of you.
The date is Saturday 25th March, 7:30pm gathering for an 8pm quiz kick-off, at St Peter’s Church Hall, Petersfield.
Tickets are £10 for Adults, £6 for Colts and includes supper provided by Seafare. Menu choices are:
- Fish & Chips (Cod)
- Sausage & Chips
- Veggie burger & Chips
To reserve a place please email Angie Clarke at with your menu choice.
Please bring along cash to pay for your entry & supper on the night. There will be drinks on sale, and raffle tickets too.
As is traditional, the raffle is drawn later in the evening. Anyone able to donate a raffle prize, please let Angie know, all donations will be very gratefully received!

Club sorry to hear of the passing of club stalwart Brian Hall

Brian Hall, erstwhile umpire, scorer, huge character and supporter of Petersfield Cricket Club for well over 30 years passed away last week.  He lived alone and was found on New Year’s Day.   
Brian umpired the 1st XI from the late 1960s to the 90s until the advent of neutral umpires when he became the 2nd XIs’ regular official.  He barely missed a game, Saturday, Sunday and mid-week, home or away.  He also served as Club Treasurer and was ruthless in extracting match fees and debts from frugal players.  Although, far from being a wealthy man, he made anonymous donations to the Club; a fact that was inadvertently disclosed at a Committee meeting.
He was a very fair and generally strict umpire, so no great friend of toiling bowlers.  However, he was very well known across cricketing circles throughout the south because of his singing prowess and entertainment value in the bar.  He needed little encouragement and on numerous occasions at visiting clubs, the ubiquitous karaoke meant few of us returned before midnight.  Innumerable tales could be told, but one lasting legacy is that his singing resulted in the whole of Petersfield Cricket Club being banned from The Harrow after the Steep game in the early 1980s; a ban which apparently has still not been lifted.
Funeral and donation arrangements service details on the 24th, 2 P.M. at St Peter’s Church and afterwards at Petersfield Football Club, Love Lane .  And for those who wish to, donations can also be made to our Petersfield club account online (referenced “Brian Hall”) before CoP Thursday, a cheque donating all money will then be made to those making the arrangements for the funeral and service…