Monday 28 April 2014

Senior training starts this week

We’ll start senior training on Thursday, if it’s not too wet at Penns Place. We’ll also use Penns for the 8th. Senior training is 6-8pm and will be run by the League Captains/Vice Captains. These training sessions are open to senior colts and Ladies who wish to attend, the aim is to prepare & train during the season for senior League cricket.
Hope as many as can will attend and I hope the weather holds out for you.
Team Sheet for the 1’s v Steep will follow, 2’s v 3’s on Saturday will include Chilli & Sausages and is a fun game – if you want to play, please ensure you contact either James S-T 07825 762546 or Richard Stephens 07845 688432 if they don’t already know your availability.
First Sunday friendly against Hambledon is this Sunday and will also take place at Penns – team sheet to follow.

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