Tuesday 14 August 2012

Message from our Chairman Nick Blackstad

"As you know this season has been very adversely affected by the ghastly weather earlier in the year and with some difficulties in weekly team selection our administration has been severely tested.However one subject that shouldn't have got overlooked is the payment of senior subscriptions especially as non payers should not strictly be considered for team selection.
There are a few of you that still have not paid and I MUST ask you to pay by next weekend as failure to do so may affect our league standing and our insurance cover.
You can give cash or a cheque ( £35 ) to your captain or send it to Tim Boulton our Treasurer at 78 The Causeway, Petersfield, GU31 4JS.
This is important so please don't let me down on this as no one has the time to keep chasing. Thanks in advance !

Rgds, Nick Blakstad

PS : To those who have paid, please ignore this message !"

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