Monday 3 September 2012

Petersfield cricket club Fun Day

Dear All,
Colts’ Open Fun Day on Saturday 8th September 2012

After the season we’ve had, this is our chance at the end of season to have some fun and as it has been extremely popular in previous years, we hope that the weather is kind to us for just one more day.

Mums and dads will have a chance to pitch their skills against their sons and daughters. As in previous years, we are making it an Open Day and inviting any new players to come along and find out about the club and play, meet the coaches and visit our facilities. Please pass this on to anyone you think may be interested.

The final match at 4.00pm will see the best of the colts trying to see if they can show the seniors how to play.

The trophy presentation for the colts will take place the previous evening on Friday 7th September at Petersfield Rugby Club – definitely inside as we’re not risking that being rained off. It starts at 6.30, with the doors opening at 6pm.

Timetable for 8th September:

9.00am: The Heath Pavilion Opens

9.30am: U7s vs U7s Mums and Dads – soft ball match. Please contact Dan Amis on if you would like to play

10.00am: Girls vs Girls’ Mums and Dads – soft ball match. Please contact Chris Russell if you would like to play

10.00am: U9s vs U9s Mums and Dads – soft ball match. Please contact James Stratford Tuke if you would like to play

11.30pm: U11s vs U11s Mums and Dads – hard ball game. Please contact Kevan Tate if you would like to play

1.30pm: U13s and U15s vs U13s and U15s Mums and Dads – hard ball game. Please contact Dave Squires or Paddy May
if you would like to play

4.00pm: U17s (including some U15s) vs Senior Select XI Please contact Phil Newman on if you would like to play in the U17s

7.30- 8.00pm Finish

The bar will be open during the day and we will be running a BBQ. Sweets, ice creams, teas and coffees available all day. Last year we had many cakes donated which were sold to raise funds for the club, and any donations will be greatly appreciated. Volunteers are needed to help with the bar, BBQ and teas. Please let me know if you can help.

Please come and support and fingers crossed for good weather.
Finally, thanks to
those of you that have taken the time to complete our
on-line survey and if you haven’t we would be grateful if you could take 5 minutes to let us know what you think of the Club and what we can do to improve it. Please click on

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