Saturday 6 April 2013

All, Cricket Force is only halfway through and there is still plenty to do at Penns place prior to the first game of the season NEXT SUNDAY!!! I need help and numbers tomorrow please I want to give a big thanks to Andy Salmon Karen Rothery Nick Blakstad Mark Holloway Dave & Alex Squires Richard & Alex Thomas Will Rice Shaun Blanks Damien & Gabe Broadhurst Toby Austen Phil & Rory Newman Mark Friend & Jim Smallbone for the use of his van this weekend Lecture time! Cricket is a labour intensive sport and takes a lot of hard work to get the grounds and facilities in a fit state to play and present the exceptional club that we have at Petersfield. This is a request especially to any senior players or colts who have not yet donated any time over the 3 weekends we have been working on the facilities. Please do your very best to give me an hour or so of your time at Penns tomorrow - it's very little to give up for an entire season of benefitting from the work that must be done now to enable cricket to take place. Soap box removed. I look forward to seeing you down at Penns. Bring your kit ion the car and we can have a training session once the hard work is done. it'll be great to throw a ball around in the outdoors All the Best (a little weary & sunburned would you believe it!) Marcus Peterfield CC Club Captain

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