Sunday 5 January 2014

Senior Winter Training starts 12th January 2014

Winter training starts next weekend. 5pm at Bedales sports hall. PLEASE do not park by the sports hall. parking is only allowed there for coaches with equipment. All parking must be in the juniors carpark or the front car park.

For 2014 your captains want to work on improvements to the way we have run winter training with some structured fitness and skills training alongside traditional nets. They'll be explaining more as you arrive but a summary is below - a prompt arrival for 5pm start will really help us deliver this.

  • Structured warmup session from 5pm
  • Drills & skills training - batting, fielding, bowling, wicketkeeping
  • Structured nets for small numbers - focus on 'in game' objectives and plans for batters/bowlers
  • Open Net for anyone who just wants a traditional net session

We aim to keep the open net limited to prevent people having to stand around. I'd encourage you to get involved in the training this is great opportunity to build on last year and develop our in field skills to enable development of all senior cricket sides.

If you are aware of anyone who is interested in playing for PCC or wants to return to the club or cricket in general - please put them in touch with me

my email addresses are above
home 01730 891404
personal mobile 07557 644753
work mobile 07966 267212 (always on)

I'll be collecting fees for the training sessions, attached is the membership form. I'll be collecting a new form from every senior player this year so please complete and return to me on Sundays before the end of winter training.

Membership Form 2014

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