Sunday 30 March 2014

Cricket Force

Dear All,
Thank you very much to all who helped during Cricket Force last weekend, a great effort by a few, particularly, Simon Dodd, Paddy and Dan May, Ian and Ben Turk, the Clarkes (all of them!), John Windebank, Mark Holloway, Jack Hannam, Rob and Ben Anscombe, Rob Allerston and Matt Friend.  My profuse apologies if I have missed anyone, please correct me!
Unlike last year there weren’t any major projects being undertaken this year but the annual maintenance and input of time and energy to wake the club up and make sure it is ready for the forthcoming season is invaluable; it is no coincidence that following last years huge effort the club won the Hampshire Cricket League award for the most improved ground in 2013!
There are still some jobs outstanding from last weekend that we must complete over the next few weeks.  The really good news is that the official weekend for Cricket Force is the 5th and 6th April so we our ahead of the rest of the country and there will still be an opportunity for you, your friends and families to give something back to the cricket club and local community by volunteering to undertake the outstanding tasks. It is fun, I promise, and its  a great way to bring the club together in addition to making sure it is ready for the new season.  If you need an added incentive I’ve now got our supply of Cricket Force T shirts to give out (some of you may need to grow quickly if you want the triple XL to fit!).
Marcus Sampson, Simon Dodd and Mark Holloway will be in touch about a range of jobs that they will be seeking help with over the next few weeks, if you can, and I appreciate that it is not always possible, your help will be expected and greatly appreciated.  I make no apology if the team captains and other committee members start badgering you!
Again, many thanks to all of you who were able to help last weekend.
Kind regards,

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