Sunday 7 September 2014

Message from Colts Manager

I would like to thank everyone that turned up to the presentation evening and / or the fun-day and I would particularly like to thank all those people that helped with all the jobs that needed doing (including organising everything).

From the club's perspective both events seemed to go really well (and the club also managed to raise several hundred pounds from the fun day) and I hope your sons / daughters enjoyed the events - we would welcome any feedback about either event

The club would be very grateful if people could vote for us in the Lloyds Bank Community Fundraising Scheme     and also if people could donate their green tokens to our cause in Waitrose (when I last looked we were trailing in 3rd place)

I will be in touch about winter nets in the next month or two - if you would like to contact me please use my ntlworld email address -

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