Wednesday 14 October 2015

Petersfield Cricket Club awarded £75,000 of funding from Sport England through Inspired Facilities.

Some of you will be aware that last year the club decided to apply to Sports
England through Inspired Facilities for an award to modernise The Heath
pavilion, provide weatherproofing equipment (covers and water hog) and carryout
work to improve drainage of the ground.  The funding has been secured for the
covers etc and they were delivered during the season, the drainage work funding
is in place and we are talking to contractors.  Sport England has now confirmed
that we have received a £75,000 award through Inspired Facilities! (Inspired
Facilities is a programme with a share of National Lottery funding from Sport
England which has contributed towards the sporting legacy of the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic games). The award is for the modernisation of the
Heath pavilion is part of an overall project cost of £101,895 (this includes
purchase of equipment, including the water hog, white goods and covers etc, the
difference has already been raised or we have identified where the money can
come from).

We were informed at the end of last month but the news has been embargoed to
allow Sport England to maximise the publicity, we have now sent out a press

While we put a huge amount of work into the submission it is a very competitive
process and the odds were always against us, to get an award is brilliant, to get
exactly what we were asking for is beyond our wildest dreams. My thanks to
Carolyn Warne and those who provided information, particularly Mike Freeston
and Nicky May, often at short notice with tight deadlines; those who have
provided partnership funding towards the overall project; for the support we have
received including the town, district and county councils, the ECB and Hampshire
Cricket Board as well as Sport England; and those through our survey helped us
scope our vision and application to Sport England to make this possible.

This is fantastic news and very significant for the club, it should give us the ability
to put the club on to a new level providing high quality cricket and facilities for
Petersfield.  We will now be working hard to deliver this project as soon as we

Inspired facilities press release

Kind regards,

James Stratford-Tuke.
Petersfield Cricket Club.

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