Thursday 24 November 2016

Notice of Petersfield CC AGM Meeting Tuesday 13 Dec 16 at 7.30pm

Dear all, 
please find attached the formal calling notice for this year's Annual General Meeting to be held in the Holland Room (upstairs room) of the Square Brewery pub in Petersfield.

We very much hope that as many as possible can make it.  Please note the requirement to let me know if you intend to come (if only tentatively).  It is a constitutional requirement to hold an AGM but don't be put off!  It should be wrapped up in 60-90 minutes which leaves plenty of time for a beer and cracking a few tall stories about your cricketing feats.

Please also note there are a few vacant committee positions, most notably Chairperson and Vice Chairperson and we would very much welcome nominations for these and the other posts.

Very much hope that we will see you.

Link Agenda

Regards John Childs
Secretary - Petersfield Cricket Club
Mobile: 07950 309248 Home: 01730 263864

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