Sunday 25 March 2012

Quiz Night Report

On a warm March evening, 8 teams gathered at St Peters Church Hall for the annual quiz night with Mark Friend’s team looking for a win after 2 years of being pipped at the post. Quizmaster Richard Thomas just made it for the start of the evening after a Jensen Button inspired drive from District training at PGS.

We are Stumped made up of Dee & Andy Salmon and Marcus and Karen Sampson and friends took an early lead helped by the early playing of their joker but with no children on their team, their lead was reduced following the picture round of chocolate bar pictures.

Going into the final 2 rounds, Petersfield Seniors & The Young Ones (Squires and Blakstad) had pulled level with 3rd Time Lucky (Friend, Stratford-Tuke and Cox) only 1/2 point behind. The final round was 10 questions on Hampshire Cricket which had Andy and Marcus truly stumped not knowing the new name of the RoseBowl (Ageas Bowl) and meant that Petersfield Seniors won with 3rd Time Lucky coming in secong again and We are Stumped a close third. Bens Banter boys improving year by year managed to catch Hampshire Rose to finish joint last (well done lads)

The club raised over £200 including money raised from the raffle, but as Nick said in his closing speech although the money is important, the main aim was to have a good night for both adults and children and kick off the new season. Many thanks to both Lisbeth Thomas and Judith Squires for organising and to Richard Thomas for his role as quizmaster.

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