Sunday 29 March 2015

Cricket Force @petersfieldcc a success

Saturday 29th March 9am

A hardy band of cricketers arrived at the Clubs 2nd Ground at Penns Place to replace the netting and also have a general tidy up of the old pavilion to get the club ready to start the new season in a few weeks time.

There was a lot to do with removing of the old nets and astro turf from around them to enable us to ut up the new nets purchased thanks to a grant from EHDC council.  With around 20 people turning u this was achieved in good time allowing the motley crew to finish off tidying as well as moving the new covers and old sight screen in to place. We were able to move to the Heath and give that a clean and move the new equipment into place (thanks to Agincourt Contractors for transporting the equipment from Hardmorr cricket club)

A big thank you goes to John Windebank for coordinating the efforts, James Stratford-tuke (chairman and 3rd team captain), Ash Sencer (club captain), Richard Stephens (2nd team captain),Ben, Sarah, Lucy and Ian Turk,Ricard and Alex Thomas, John and Adam Childs, Rob and Ben Anscombe, Paddy (on his birthday) and Dan May, Damien and Gabe Broadhurst, Dom Carson, Omar Iqbal, Dave Squires, Tom Stevens, Tom Stratford-tuke, Chris Wood and anyone else I have forgotten.

It just shows that the more hands we have on these events the more we can get done.

Well done everybody

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