Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cricket Force this Saturday 28th March 9am

Hello All

This weekend the club continues the preparations for the new season

We have had delivered the new equipment which will enable the club to progress even further and will allow us to stage more games and make the club envy of others across Hampshire. 

The season before last we were voted the most improved ground in the county by other clubs and with this in mind we need as much help as possible down at the Heath and Penns this Saturday 28th March 9am

There are a number of jobs from clearing the old shed at Penns to putting the nets back up ready for the outdoor training sessions  

Please can you spare as much time as possible (colts and adults) on Saturday as the more hands we have the quicker the work can be done. There will also be a get together at the end of the day to sample some fine free beer at The Heath kindly provided by the Itchin Brewery as well as clearing the fridge out for new stock

Please contact the coordinator John Windebank 

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