Monday 17 August 2015

Senior Presentation night details

Presentation evening is fast approaching on Friday 11th September at Petersfield Rugby club at 7.30pm.
The venue is the Rugby Club again with a hot and cold buffet plus a choice of dessert. Prices for both colts and adults are £17.50 per person. For those members that would like to bring their partner, there is a special price of £30 per couple. Dress code is no jeans or trainers, otherwise come as dressy or not as you like. If you require a vegetarian or other special diet, please indicate this when requesting your ticket.

To book your places on the evening please email Liz at or call 01730 894974 or contact Judith at or 07841 783866.
Payment will be collected on the night - if you reserve a place and cannot then attend we will have to collect payment anyway as the club is still charged and last year due to several non shows we made a loss.
Please note that this is a ticket only do this year so get in touch with myself or Liz ASAP & do your very best to attend. Lets have a great turnout.
If anyone has any photos of the season, please let me have them as soon as possible so I can create a slide show.
There will also be a raffle on the night, any raffle prizes gratefully received

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