Tuesday 28 June 2011

Petersfield U11s at the Rose Bowl Zooter Challenge

Just a quick report to say we had 12 boys representing Petersfield U11s at the Rose Bowl Zooter Challenge last night.

The weather was superb and Kevan was really proud at how everyone played. The challenge consisted of 5 elements - high catching, death bowling, slip spectacular catches, run outs and six hitting, culminating in a bowl off to see which team would be the guard of honour for the 20/20 Hampshire v Sussex match.

We narrowly lost in the bowl off. Each team had to hit the stumps three times with a stump removed after each hit! Ossian Tate hit with the second ball, then Jack Butcher hit but we couldn't hit the last one, Sparshalt just pipping us.

We got to watch a great game of 20/20 and Hampshire strode to a superb victory.

Many thanks to Kevan tate who orgainsed it all and managed the boys at the Rose Bowl. Kevan also wished to thank all the parents and boys for coming and also to Craig Stevens and Mark Friend for assisting him on the evening.

Zooter Team
Gabriel Broadhurst
Matt Friend
Joe Clarke
Joe Eglestaff
Charlie Gaisford
Ossian Tate
Ben Anscombe
Harvey Baker
Ed Braithwaite
Jack Butcher
Kit Classen
Thomas Stevens

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